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Chronogenic effluvium

What is chronic telogen effluvium?

Chronic telogen effluvium (CTE) is a disorder of the hair growth cycle that causes hair loss for a minimum period of 6 months. The hair falls out in a diffuse and generalised manner and without a clear trigger.

This type of effluvium causes a generalised reduction in hair density, mostly in the bitemporal areas (above the ears).

Who is affected?

It usually affects women between 30 and 60 years of age under states of high anxiety and depression.

How long can chronic telogen effluvium last?

It is a chronic process that can last from 6 months to as long as 6-7 years.

What are the causes of chronic telogen effluvium?

The reasons behind this disorder are multiple. It may be due to:

  • Vitamin deficiency 
  • Low iron levels
  • Damage on the root due to taking medication 
  • Diseases
  • Stressful situations

In many cases the origin of CTE cannot be clearly identified. 

Diagnosis of chronic telogen effluvium

The diagnosis of CTE must be made by a digital trichoscopy by a trichologist as it is necessary to detect the reason why the patient is losing hair.

How to treat chronic telogen effluvium?

CTE can be treated by basic therapeutic measures or hair treatments similar to those used in other types of alopecia such as:

  • vitamin supplements,
  • topical minoxidil at 2 and 5%. 
  • oral anti-androgens
  • hair mesotherapy
  • platelet-rich plasma
  • psychological therapy 

When taking medication for alopecia, the frequency of intake and doses must be prescribed by a professional. 

The aim is to give the follicle root the necessary components to produce new hair.
In addition, the hair should be washed frequently about 3-4 times a week.